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Dove Notes: 3 Tips for Tech Teachers

Dove Notes: Love Notes from God

Acts 13:36  “…David, … served the purpose of God in his own generation…”


I am a veteran teacher– having taught 31 years now.  Often I pray, asking if I am in the right place.  The new generations of teachers are so quick to learn different things, especially technology.  I like learning new technology, too.  I’ve been on building and district technology committees in the past – way back when there was no internet.  I was chosen as a Teacher Learning Technology in my district – way back when email was brand new (and so were other things).  Now, new technology changes in the blink of an eye each year.  I’m still learning…I just process it all at a slower rate that the digital natives.


I am a lifelong learner and always strive to do my best in the classroom, keeping up with new strategies and gadgets.  However, there are things that “my generation” know after teaching young minds year after year, some things are still important.  We see our classrooms changing to meet the current needs of our students.  In this ever changing environment, I still strive to have my kids know how communicate effectively with others, collaborate and responsibly participate in a group to get a job done, and come together as a team, supporting, encouraging, and accepting others talents.


So, the following are tips that help me keep moving forward using technology while collaborating, communicating, and building a team that supports each person in our class. I’m “sharing the love” and hope you find these tips helpful too.


3 Tips for Tech Teachers

1. Connecting Comprehension and Technology by Stephanie Harvey, Anne Goudvis, Katie Muhtaris and Kristin Ziemke

*This book demonstrates how technology ideas are integrated while using reading strategies



2. Learning to Go by Shelley Terrell (Sanchez)

*This book provides hundreds of quick technology tools to use in class, including the App Mingle.  Check out her website


3.  Check out the edshelf website

*This website lets you search for free (and paid) apps for use in the classroom. Easy to use!

4. Bonus Tip- just found out about this today!

*I can imagine so many applications for this cool tool!


I thank God for guiding me to these valuable resources and letting me know that… I am where he wants me to be right now. I am serving his purpose in our own generation…

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