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March Luck

I’ve had a wonderful weekend.  I enjoyed spending time with my husband.  We witnessed a bald eagle land in a tree next to the window while we were having a leisurely lunch together.  I tried to get my camera ready, but it flew off before I could get a photo.  I cleaned my house, made it to church, reconnected with some friends and family.  And now, an interesting blog post landed in my inbox.

I recently moved “up” and got a new iphone (my first one).  I was happy having the “old-timers” phone, but now that I’ve had this new one for about a week, I can’t believe I’ve lived without it for so long.  One of the fun things I’ve been drawn to are all the apps.  There’s a health app already installed which tracks how many steps I’ve taken each day.  I downloaded other apps called Post It Plus and Plickers, which are two tools for use in my classroom.  It’s a whole new world for me!

And then I read an email newsletter this morning from Jane Friedman about Examine, so I tried it out immediately.  It is Lent and I am trying to pray more consistently.  The Examine app seems to be an answer–and as luck would have it–it’s tied to writing!

Try it, you’ll like it!

And, Thank You, Jane!

Picture of Andrea


Children's Author and Educator

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