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Top 10 List for May/June

Top 10 List for May/June

The end of the school year always flies by so quickly.  Today, my students went through their folders (portfolios) to see how much they accomplished.  One of the papers they reviewed was a Top 10 List.  I thought this would be appropriate considering May was Letterman’s last show.

So, what did I accomplish in the last 6 weeks?

1) As the Editor of our local writing group’s newsletter.  I created the May and the June newsletter.

2) While collaborating with two writing friends, we created a presentation for “Perfecting Pitch and Query” for our local writing group’s workshop.

3) School year #29 completed, looking forward to the next one!  My kids were great this year!

4) Took away so much knowledge from Jane Friedman’s MBA for Writers online course.

5) I revised my Lakota Code Talker manuscript…again.

6) Am revising my picture book WIP, using notes from an agent.

7) Endured several weeks of renovations in my house.  (my newly retired husband watched too much HGTV during this long, horrible winter!)  Everything is in boxes and jammed into my dining room

8) Joined familiar online writing communities to start off my summer.  (WOW Nonficpic and Teachers Write)

9) Preparing for next half-marathon in July.  Getting on a regular schedule for training.

10)  Reconnected with some “old” friends.  I always enjoy catching up.

11)  ok, sneaking one in here.  Starting my morning pages again!


I think it’s good to reflect on what you’ve done recently.  When you actually put things down in a list like this, you realize how much you’ve accomplished.  I use this technique in my classroom from time to time.  It gets the brain moving in a different way, mixing up the way you look at organizing the next steps to take in life…it helps with goal setting for the future.  What might your Top 10 List look like?

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Children's Author and Educator

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