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Business Side of Being a Writer

The Business Side of Being a Writer is exhilarating and hard work!

Here are five areas of focus to keep moving forward and grow as a writer:

Read Daily

Recently, I’ve been to a few writing events (SCBWI Regional Conference and our own RACWI monthly meetings). Experts in our field continue to say that you need to read…hundreds of books in the genre you would like to write. Experts like Linda Sue Park and Pat Zietlow Miller both love their local libraries and frequent them weekly! Reading is a luxury of this job, and it’s an important piece!

Study the Craft

Once you’ve read all those books in your genre, you most likely have some favorites. Head to the local independent bookstore, or Barnes & Noble and spend a bit of time in the children’s section. You might those favorite books because they are popular, or look for similar books to purchase. Which book catch your eye? Why?

I talk to the book buyer about his/her favorites or ask about the books that seem to fly off the shelves. I also go online to buy if I really, really like a book. And then I study them. I read and analyze the books, taking notes in them as if they were text books.

In addition, I purchase books about various parts of writing: how to tell a story, how to structure a picture book, how to show not tell, how to write a scene, etc. And, I continue to take classes and become inspired from other professionals. 

Marketing and Finding Your Niche

Making connections before, during and after your book is published looks different for each person. Some people like using photos either on their website or on other social media platforms. Vivian Vande Velde is one of those authors who connects with her audience this way. Others like to blog or create podcasts. Some like to send out a daily poem to their audience. Which way do you enjoy connecting with your favorite author?

Inspiring Your Audience

In-person events are a great way to meet and inspire an audience. Recently, one of my writing friends decided to organize a library fundraiser to help Brockport’s Seymour Library instead of holding a “traditional” book launch party.

Wendy Dunham has two new books out in her Tales of Buttercup Grove, her new series.

The titles are  A Windy Spring Day and Sunflower Summer. To check out her new books CLICK HERE.

We each donated a basket for a raffle and were available for book signings.

LiftBridge Books helped out by bringing a supply of our books!


I had a great time spending the afternoon with (group photo L to R): Sally ValentineJoy KellerJackie YaegerVivian Vande Velde, Wendy, [me], and Susan Williams Beckhorn!

Thank you to Westside News for supporting us! And I’d like to shout out another thank you to the community members who joined us at the event!

Writing Daily

Get motivated, treat this like a job, show up everyday! Check off each day on a calendar, or use a writing journal, or use a notebook as a to punch in on the time clock! Even if it’s for 20 minutes, you can do it…

*Do all this while balancing the other parts of your life…

Physical- exercising: go for a walk, stretch your legs, get the blood flowing back to your brain.

Mind- creativity and the artist’s date: visit a gallery, museum, or book store often.

Spiritual- slow down and de-stress: get quiet, be in nature, read the bible, say your prayers, be calm and then carry on.

Family- finding Joy: laugh and your family will laugh with you. Carve out time to spend with your loved ones. It’s so important. And, they will be your biggest supporters when needed.


Picture of Andrea


Children's Author and Educator

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