Resource Links Dear Authors, Teachers, Librarians and Parents, I hope your find this list of links to a variety of Native resources useful. Smithsonian’s

Research Connects Students to School History I’ve always wanted my kids to learn about the people who are honored with school names in our

Using Models to Establish Digital Writing Expectations Writing in the classroom is changing at a rate faster than the speed of light, or at

Native American Teaching Resources: 5 Helpful Websites Many classrooms are using more and more technology. Here are some Native American Teaching Resources: 5 Helpful

Cool Classroom Tech Tool, Buncee Ambassador This school year started off on the right foot with news that as a Buncee Ambassador, I will

The Art of Digital Storytelling in the Classroom There is a process to learning how to teach the art of digital storytelling. First, you

How are you teaching creativity in the classroom? Years ago, I picked up a book titled 100 IDEAS FOR TEACHING CREATIVITY by Stephen Bowkett,
Children's Author and Educator
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