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Cool Classroom Tech Tool, Buncee Ambassador

Cool Classroom Tech Tool, Buncee Ambassador

Buncee Ambassador 2017

This school year started off on the right foot with news that as a Buncee Ambassador, I will get to learn and use a cool classroom tech tool with my students! I was thrilled to discover I was chosen as a Buncee Ambassador this year! It’s quite an honor and I’m so excited to use Buncee with my students.

I found Buncee a few years ago and dabbled with it on my ipad.  I found it easy to use – adding backgrounds, stickers, audio.  I was anxious to try out more of the options, so when I checked out the website, I found a webinar, and signed up. The webinar confirmed for me that Buncee was the perfect blend of Technology, Pedagogy and Content Knowledge (T-PACK), and easy to implement in an ELA classroom.  This was definitely the cool tool I had always hoped for as a teacher trying to move closer toward blended learning. I loved hearing about the creative ideas from another educator and was excited to sign up to use Buncee with my students.  When I looked at the classroom account (cost, number of kids, etc.) ….that’s when I saw details about becoming an Ambassador and noticed the deadline was just days away. I decided to apply quickly. I wasn’t confident… but hopeful to be chosen.  I literally jumped up and down when I got the invitation to join the Ambassador program!

Buncee Ambassador Group

So far, we’ve had a chance to participate in a group call and join each other in a virtual work space.  I love that people are super supportive and encouraging.  It’s been a bright spot for me at the beginning of the year. I can’t wait to connect with other ambassadors and learn more about how to integrate Buncee in the classroom.


I’ve gathered a few Back-to-School Buncees here:

Icebreakers article by Shelley Terrell

Ideas on Shannon Miller’s Padlet

ELA projects from Class Tech Tips

Ask a Tech Teacher – 10 Things Students (Teachers) Can Do With Buncee

Creativity Quote Einstein made with Buncee

I’m looking forward to integrating Buncee in ELA this year! Stay tuned for some creative ideas coming soon…

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