Cool Classroom Tech Tool, Buncee Ambassador

This school year started off on the right foot with news that as a Buncee Ambassador, I will get to learn and use a cool classroom tech tool with my students! I was thrilled to discover I was chosen as a Buncee Ambassador this year! It’s quite an honor and I’m so excited to use Buncee with my students.
I found Buncee a few years ago and dabbled with it on my ipad. I found it easy to use – adding backgrounds, stickers, audio. I was anxious to try out more of the options, so when I checked out the website, I found a webinar, and signed up. The webinar confirmed for me that Buncee was the perfect blend of Technology, Pedagogy and Content Knowledge (T-PACK), and easy to implement in an ELA classroom. This was definitely the cool tool I had always hoped for as a teacher trying to move closer toward blended learning. I loved hearing about the creative ideas from another educator and was excited to sign up to use Buncee with my students. When I looked at the classroom account (cost, number of kids, etc.) ….that’s when I saw details about becoming an Ambassador and noticed the deadline was just days away. I decided to apply quickly. I wasn’t confident… but hopeful to be chosen. I literally jumped up and down when I got the invitation to join the Ambassador program!
Buncee Ambassador Group
So far, we’ve had a chance to participate in a group call and join each other in a virtual work space. I love that people are super supportive and encouraging. It’s been a bright spot for me at the beginning of the year. I can’t wait to connect with other ambassadors and learn more about how to integrate Buncee in the classroom.
I’ve gathered a few Back-to-School Buncees here:
Icebreakers article by Shelley Terrell
Ideas on Shannon Miller’s Padlet
ELA projects from Class Tech Tips
Ask a Tech Teacher – 10 Things Students (Teachers) Can Do With Buncee

I’m looking forward to integrating Buncee in ELA this year! Stay tuned for some creative ideas coming soon…