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Sioux Code Talkers of WWII Book Launch Party

Book Launch Party Photos

Here are a few pictures of the wonderful “book birthday party” on April 8, 2017. I am blessed with many true friends and a large family who made the day very special. There were people who traveled from Michigan, Ohio, Virginia, and Connecticut to celebrate with me. Such a special gift.  I appreciate and am savoring the many blessings of that day.

Thank you to my family – mom, Claude and Kris, Erika and Rusty, Jerry and Lori, Pete and Terri, Gordie (and Jess in spirit- feel better), Jay and Somer, Alana, Alexa, Alyssa, (Alyson in spirit-feel better) Jacey, Devin, Avery, Lukas, Logan, Nola and Killian for helping out with anything that needed helping with before, during and after the party!

Thank you Shirley for taking photos- looking forward to seeing them all.

Thank you Terry and Arielle, for setting up all the decorations and manning to food tables.

Thank you Ricci’s Italian Imports and Daydream Cakes for the delicious food and cake.

Thank you Keith Ryan (Suburban News) and Mike Lobene (Fireman’s Exempt Hall) for your support in making the day fabulous!

Thank you Liftbridge Books for all your help with the launch website and then bringing all the books to the party.

Thank you, Mike, for the wonderful surprise! Glad you were here to join in the fun.

And last but not least, thank you to my wonderful husband.  He takes care of everything, all the time, and with a smile!

As I receive more photos, I’ll update the slideshow.


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