Study Authors’ Craft- What Do Authors Do?
A person can learn to write better by studying published authors and their books. This process has helped me become a better writer but also a better teacher.
My “I can” statements often have to do with “what authors do” in writing tasks. (“I can” statements let students know what the focus is that day) It’s time to share some lessons I felt were productive and successful in my classroom. I wrote reflections in a journal and I’ll share some of my entries as well.
I brainstormed a list of categories already. I’ll be sharing resources about:
- an award winning digital storytelling project
- the use of mentor texts in our fantasy unit
- writing with “one word” in mind
- using picture books in a middle school classroom
- using of open-ended, creative ideas
- how to finish in the “Hot Seat”
I look forward to connecting with you over the next few weeks as an educator and an author.
Related Post: The Art of Digital Storytelling
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by Andrea M. Page (Pelican Publishing Company 2017)
Order on your copy at Pelican’s website click here.
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Read the Kirkus Review here.
School Library Journal Review
Gr 7 Up—This well-documented title vividly brings to life the story of John Bear King and other Sioux code talkers during World War II. What makes this nonfiction text unique is the painstaking detail the author, the great-niece of King, took to research actual coded messages in military archives and transcribe them into the Lakota, Dakota, and Nakota languages. Page consulted not only scholars in this field of research but also native Lakota speakers. The perspective of the Lakota and their cultural values are carefully woven into the narrative, which recounts their history with white settlers from the 1800s to the advent of the Second World War. Page provides a balanced account of the Lakota, who, in spite of numerous broken treaties with the U.S. government, always fought to defend their homelands and the United States. The book is engaging from start to finish, with a well-written text that is enhanced by period photographs and reproductions of significant documents. VERDICT A valuable work for teens studying code talkers and American Indian contributions to the U.S. victory in the Pacific theater.—Naomi Caldwell, Alabama State University, Montgomery
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