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Friendship and Family Revealed Beneath No-Man’s Land

Friendship and family revealed beneath no-man’s land

Way to go Wednesday!

Congratulations to author Keely Hutton on her new book titled SECRET SOLDIERS which is a story about four boys discovering friendship and family beneath no-man’s land during World War I. Watch the video interview to find out more about her new book.

I created sketchnotes of the information Keely shared during her interview. The two books I’ve studied to use visual mapping notes in the classroom are VISUAL THINKING (by Nancy Margulies and Christine Valenza) and INK AND IDEAS (by Tanny McGregor). I’ve always learned best in a variety of ways, but these visual notes are incredible. 

In my classroom this past year, we used sketchnotes in several ways. I’ve always done some form of picture illustrations with my students while reading novels. I asked them to choose the best scene to sketch the action. By the end of a novel, we could look back to see the whole story and remember it better. One year, my students were fluent in using Buncee, a visual creation tool which enhanced their comprehension and learning. They had buncee journals that were shared with the whole class. We used them for reviews and many other ways. This past year we used sketchnotes while watching videos. The cause – effect action of scene to scene became clearer for a few students, and then others as they shared their sketchnotes whole group. I was amazed at the different details the kids zoomed in on while sketchnoting. There was a ton of thinking going on that we are not normally aware of as we teach.

I’m planning on practicing more with sketchnoting with an author focus as I move ahead with my blog. I hope you find it as fascinating as I do.

Thanks for tuning in today!

Congratulations again, Keely! I loved hearing the inside scoop on SECRET SOLDIERS!

For more information about Keely’s books, please visit her website:

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