November is Native American Heritage Month!
I know how busy educators are, so I’m going to use this month to compile a list of Native Knowledge, Dreams and Education resources and post them here this month.
The first FOUR on the list are organizations close to my heart.
- I grew up visiting the Crazy Horse Memorial many times. My young mind couldn’t quite imagine what the future mountain would look like, but today the tourist attraction has grown so much. You can now see the face emerging from the mountainside- so cool! And the family has created a lovely museum with all sorts of photos, artifacts, and stories on the campus and has developed an education program that is thriving too. Visit Crazy Horse Memorial – CLICK HERE
- Another organization has a spokesperson who has inspired me for many years. I can’t remember how I first heard about Olympian Billy Mills, it was when I was young, but I remember the first time I saw him in person. I was already teaching and had a family. I was busy, but made time to attend his speech at Nazareth College back in the early 90s. I was incredibly moved. And haven’t forgotton his story. Today, Billy Mills is the spokesperson for Running Strong for Indian Youth and has given back to the Lakota Community in so many ways. To learn more about Billy and Running Strong, CLICK HERE.
- On my 20 year journey from novice to published author, I anxiously awaited the opening of the Smithsonian’s National Museum of the American Indian. And, a friend Bill Meadows and I had the wonderful opportunity to attend the Grand Opening! I have been back several times since, and love spending the day there. The Smithsonian is dedicated to informing people about the Native worldview. You can access the website for tons of information in regards to “Transforming Teaching and Learning about Native Americans” – CLICK HERE
- Lastly, Native American Veterans responded to the call of duty at incredible rates in WWI, WWII, and other conflicts, more than any other group. I learned about the American Indian and Alaskan Native Veterans Memorial in California, a project intended to honor all Native American Veterans. A thoughtful committee has dedicated their efforts to craft the “first major monument Honoring our Nation’s Indigenous Veterans.” For more information – CLICK HERE.
Related Links
Information on my book – SIOUX CODE TALKERS- CLICK HERE